We Are?

Local Home Care is a  provider of home care and staffing services and is dedicated in enhancing the quality of life for our clients.

We are proud of our compassionate home care program which is designed to help people stay in their home and be healthier for longer.

Client Satisfaction
Our Leadership Team

Our home health care management team is highly experienced in delivering exceptional care and support for clients – regardless of age or specific medical needs.

Key Principles

Respect, Compassion & Kindness

Local Homecare Service ensure staff treat our customers with the upmost kindness, compassion, consideration and respect at all times.


Integrity & Confidentiality

We believe in the importance of being honest and reliable, delivering on our promises to our customers and their families. We place our customer’s wellbeing at the heart of our decision making so that you can trust our care to be confidential, compliant and of the highest possible quality.



We recognise the right of all persons to make choices which support them to live as independent a life as possible.


Highly Motivated & Professional Staff

We strive to employ the best, and qualified staff who are passionate about our customer’s care.



We promote the safety and welfare of all our customers & we have a zero-tolerance approach to any type of abuse or abusive practice.


Quality Service

We review and evaluate our service and through continuous improvement we ensure that we provide the highest care standards possible to our customers.

Operational Standards

Appropriate Service Delivery


Each client receives appropriate services that are planned, delivered and evaluated in partnership with the service, themselves and / or a representative.


Each Client’s needs are identified to establish complexity of needs before being offered home care support

The assessment looks at a holistic view of the client’s life, needs and wants to include:

      • Physical Health
      • Mental Health
      • Ability to complete daily living activities
      • Social interests
      • Religion and cultural needs
      • Family and circle of support
      • Risks relating to all aspects of the client’s life


Each client and or representative participates in developing a care plan based on his/her assessed needs

The care plan is reviewed and adapted on a quarterly basis or sooner if:

    • Changing needs or circumstances change
    • Request from client
    • Requested by professional e.g. client’s G.P, Psychiatrist

Each client receives care with warmth and compassion by staff who understand and are sensitive to the clients’ needs


Client Rights and Responsibilities


Each client is provided with information to assist them to make service choices and has the right to be consulted and respected.  Service users have access to complaints and advocacy information and processes.  The clients’ privacy and confidentially and right to independence is respected at all times.


      • Information given to the client is in an appropriate format in order the client can best make an informed choice, gain understanding of services available to them and their rights and responsibilities.
      • Each client’s right to confidentially and privacy is respected at all times
      • Each client’s individuality and independence is supported and encouraged
      • Each client has the right to an independent advocate of their choosing, if required LHS will assist the client to access an advocate
      • Each client is provided with information on how to make a complaint
      • Client feedback and complaints are dealt with in confidence, fairly and promptly


Client Safeguarding


Local Home Care Services adopts a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to abuse and ensures that each client is protected from abuse in any form.


      • Staff are provided with training in the HSE Safeguarding Vulnerable persons at Risk of Abuse National Policy and Procedures
      • Local Home Care staff are aware of their role in recognising and protecting clients from abuse and know the Local home care local policy and procedure
      • Training is renewed at least every two years
      • Care is provided to ensure each client feels safe
      • All staff adhere to Local Home Care Services policies and procedures relating to client, safeguarding, safety and welfare


Effective Management


Local Home Care Services demonstrate effective management processes based on a continuous improvement approach to service management, planning and delivery.


      • Local Home Care adhere to regulatory requirements, legislation and professional standards
      • Local Home Care has a clear management structure and lines of responsibility
      • Policies and procedures are reviewed and revised as necessary or annually
      • Local Home Care actively pursues a quality service and has quality improvement plan in place


Human Resource Management


Human resources are effectively managed to ensure appropriately skilled & trained staff, deliver a safe & supportive care service.


        • Local Home Care conduct Face to Face interview and retain documentation of such
        • Relevant documentation is obtained from the employee before taking up position with the company
        • Garda vetting is sought prior to employment with the company
        • Staff personal files are stored securely and with confidence
        • Each staff member completes an induction programme
        • Training and development are planned and is continuous throughout employment with the company
        • Staff receive supervision tri-annually and appraisal once a year
Our Mission, Vision and Values

We are committed to providing high quality, client-centered and affordable Home Care services to our clients to assist them to lead dignified and independent lives in the comfort and safety of their own homes.  Their individual needs are carefully assessed, understood and met through the selective assignment of qualified, trustworthy and compassionate personnel.


      • To be known and valued for providing the highest standard of in-home care services.
      • To be the provider of choice in the community.
      • To be the employer of choice in the community.


Our mission and vision will be achieved through the application of our core values, which include:

      • keeping our client’s health, quality of life and well-being central in the design and delivery of services;
      • treating and interacting with our clients with respect, dignity, compassion, empathy, honesty, and integrity while recognizing and maintaining confidentiality of client information;
      • showing respect for all cultures, religions, ethnicities; sexual orientation, ages, gender and disabilities;
      • recruiting, training and retaining competent staff;
      • valuing, supporting, recognizing and appreciating our staff who are our greatest asset;
      • nurturing a work environment that encourages personal enjoyment and enhances job satisfaction and performance through recognition and reward;
      • developing and maintaining positive relationships with the community, including local Home Care and Health Care personnel/organizations;
      • conducting our business in an accountable and responsible manner;
      • adhering to the professional code of ethics of the Home Care industry; and,
      • applying continuous quality improvement measures throughout our Agency.
Our Proud History

Local Homecare is a 100% Irish owned, locally based company, operating in the heart of the Kerry Gaeltacht region of Chorca Dhuibhne and the Dingle peninsula. Local Homecare is a premier provider of exclusive, yet affordable in-home care services provided by extensively trained, courteous and professional caregivers.
A few years back our company saw the need for local home care services in the West Kerry area. Today’s aging population requests in-home care services more than ever before.

Mission Statement

“Local Homecare Services’ mission is to provide high quality, person-centred care to allow each client to live an independent, healthy and fulfilled life. We treat each of our customers with the respect and dignity we would a member of our own family.”

What We Do

Local Homecare Services provides general supervision and assistance with personal care needs. We also handle routine daily activities including light housekeeping, meal preparation, errand running, mail sorting and various other tasks. In-home care can also be requested by new mothers and those with a short-term disability or illness to help until they can get on their feet. again.
Local Homecare Services has gone from strength to strength in recent times.
Is Local home care the right option for you? You may want to consider the following benefits:


Whether you are feeling ill or well, most people prefer the comfort of being in their own home. Local Homecare Services allow you to continue living independently, in familiar surroundings.


With Local Homecare Services, you’ll receive one-on-one care and attention from your caregiver that you can’t always get in a facility. That means greater value for every euro. Plus, your caregiver may perform tasks previously handled by other services, such as cooking meals, cleaning the house, doing laundry or helping you get out and about. Your personal caregiver can help you save money and time, too.


Local Homecare Services makes it simple and easy to find a reputable in-home care staff serving your area. You’ll work out a schedule and a list of duties your caregiver will perform when you meet with our company. Local Homecare will choose the caregiver best suited to you to ensure the care you receive is personalised to meet your exact needs and schedule.


Local Homecare Services can also provide companionship. We will match a caregiver to suit your personal care needs and interests/hobbies.


Having a professional caregiver in your home can provide an additional level of security for your loved one. Each of our caregivers have years of caring experience, as well as the relevant qualifications and skills and are garda vetted.


Local Homecare Services assures you and your family peace of mind. Many adult children of aging parents can’t regularly pop-in to check on their loved ones or tend to their needs. With a caregiver in the home, families are regularly updated as to the well-being of their parents. Having a personal, caring, professional caregiver in the home provides everyone peace of mind.

Read below what our clients have to say and learn more about what makes us the premier provider of in-home senior care.

“I am more than fully satisfied with the excellent service provided so carefully and so sincerely by each and every care giver.”
“We are confident leaving mother in localhomecare quality care! They deliver wonderful service with a personal touch!”
Caregiving daughter
“My Mom’s primary caregiver is wonderful. The nurse is wonderful and the overall experience was awesome!”

Write a testimonial


All the testimonials on Local Home Care are written by clients from our community. So any testimonial you see is based on a stay that a guest had in a host’s listing.